A deck of Tarot cards spread across a wooden table, surrounded by crystals and a divination tool.

Upright Meanings Of The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards

Your Free Guide To The Meanings Of The Upright Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana tarot deck consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Pentacles, Cups, Wands and Swords. Each suit represents a different aspect of life, and each card within the suit has its own unique meaning. In this blog post, we will provide a brief summary of the upright meanings of all Minor Arcana Tarot cards, so you can kickstart your Tarot reading journey from home.

We also have a downloadable and printable Tarot Card reading journal and guide that can keep you on track and features lots of different card spreads, too.

The Lovers Tarot card in a holder on a wooden altar, surrounded by crystals, a key and a witch's broom stick.

Pentacles Suit:

Ace of Pentacles: New opportunities, financial stability, and material gain.

Two of Pentacles: Balance, adaptability, and juggling priorities.

Three of Pentacles: Collaboration, teamwork, and building something lasting.

Four of Pentacles: Security, control, and possessiveness.

Five of Pentacles: Financial struggle, poverty, and isolation.

Six of Pentacles: Generosity, charity, and giving back.

Seven of Pentacles: Patience, hard work, and waiting for results.

Eight of Pentacles: Skill development, apprenticeship, and hard work.

Nine of Pentacles: Financial independence, luxury, and self-sufficiency.

Ten of Pentacles: Family legacy, inheritance, and material abundance.

Page of Pentacles: Opportunity for growth, new beginnings, financial news and learning.

Knight of Pentacles: Diligence, responsibility, hard work, practicality and routine.

Queen of Pentacles: Nurturing, practicality, abundance, prosperity, home and family.

King of Pentacles: Financial security, material success, leadership, stability and practicality.


Cups Suit:

Ace of Cups: Emotional connection, new beginnings in love or relationships, and spiritual awakening.

Two of Cups: Partnership, union, harmony, and balance.

Three of Cups: Celebration, socialising, and friendship.

Four of Cups: Discontentment, boredom, introspection, and turning inward.

Five of Cups: Grief, loss, disappointment, and regret.

Six of Cups: Nostalgia, childhood memories, and innocence.

Seven of Cups: Options, choices, and decisions.

Eight of Cups: Departure, moving on, and emotional release.

Nine of Cups: Satisfaction, happiness, and emotional fulfilment.

Ten of Cups: Domestic harmony, emotional abundance, and contentment.

Page of Cups: Creativity, inspiration, new beginnings, intuitive messages, and emotional openness.

Knight of Cups: Romance, passion, idealism, creativity, inspiration, and emotional maturity.

Queen of Cups: Empathy, emotional support, intuition, nurturing, and compassion.

King of Cups: Emotional balance, control, compassion, diplomacy, and leadership.


Wands Suit:

Ace of Wands: A new beginning or opportunity, creative energy, inspiration, and enthusiasm.

Two of Wands: Planning, decision-making, taking action, and partnership.

Three of Wands: Progress, expansion, exploration, and future growth.

Four of Wands: Celebration, stability, harmony, and community.

Five of Wands: Competition, challenges, conflict, and ego clashes.

Six of Wands: Victory, recognition, success, and public acclaim.

Seven of Wands: Defensiveness, determination, and standing up for yourself.

Eight of Wands: Movement, rapid progress, communication, and travel.

Nine of Wands: Resilience, perseverance, strength, and defense.

Ten of Wands: Burden, responsibility, hard work, and feeling overwhelmed.

Page of Wands: Creativity, enthusiasm, new ideas, inspiration, and adventurousness.

Knight of Wands: Ambition, energy, impulsiveness, risk-taking, and passion.

Queen of Wands: Confidence, creativity, leadership, independence, and self-assuredness.

King of Wands: Leadership, vision, entrepreneurship, creativity, and confidence.


Swords Suit:

Ace of Swords: Mental clarity, new ideas, and breakthroughs.

Two of Swords: Indecision, uncertainty, and stalemate.

Three of Swords: Heartbreak, loss, and betrayal.

Four of Swords: Rest, recuperation, and mental peace.

Five of Swords: Defeat, conflict, and humiliation.

Six of Swords: Transition, change, and moving on.

Seven of Swords: Deception, trickery, and betrayal.

Eight of Swords: Self-imposed restriction, fear, and limitation.

Nine of Swords: Anxiety, fear, and nightmares.

Ten of Swords: Painful endings, betrayal, and finality.

Page of Swords: Mental agility, communication, new ideas, learning, and curiosity.

Knight of Swords: Ambition, decisiveness, assertiveness, mental clarity, and honesty.

Queen of Swords: Mental clarity, independence, wisdom, discernment, and self-reliance.

King of Swords: Intellectual power, analytical ability, truth, justice, and fairness.


The Minor Arcana Tarot cards represent different aspects of life, and each card has a unique meaning that can provide insight and guidance. By understanding the upright meanings of these cards, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

The above are just summaries and themes of each card. Over time, we recommend you move away from these and concentrate on the images, thoughts and feelings that you receive while doing Tarot readings to develop your skills.

Visit our blog to also see all reversed meanings of the Minor Arcana Tarot cards, alongside the upright and reversed meanings of the Major Arcana cards.

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And, for all the Tarot lovers out there, we have lots of Tarot-themed goodies - perfect as gifts or for your home.

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