Tarot cards spread out on a red background. Next to the Tarot cards are various crystals, including a Clear Quartz wand.

Upright Meanings Of The Major Arcana Tarot cards

Your Free Guide To The Meanings Of The Upright Major Arcana

Tarot Card readings are a great way to gain insight into your past, present and future, alongside working out how you can gain success in all areas of life – from career to relationships, making decisions and self-improvement.

We’ve summarised the upright meanings of the Major Arcana Tarot Cards below, to help get you started with how to read Tarot Cards.

However, we do recommend that you slowly move away from these more conventional meanings over time and concentrate on what images, words and thoughts come to you naturally during your readings. There is nothing more powerful than your growing intuition and insight!

A short overview of the Major Arcana Tarot Cards

The Major Arcana cards are probably the most recognisable of any Tarot deck. The 22 cards represent various situations we all face in life and tell us specific messages and guidance that the universe believes will benefit us. Although the Major Arcana cards showcase the everyday actions and decisions we may encounter, they can also point to the bigger picture we'll be experiencing over time.

0 – The Fool

New beginnings and fresh starts. A new job, romantic partner, or creative venture. Depending on the situation, you may need to approach something with caution – explore options to avoid risks.

The Fool Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

1 – The Magician

Now is the time for action and energy. You may receive messages, offers or long-awaited news. In work or personal matters, you are likely to be inspired to dream big and take large strides to where you want to be. Travel is often in the air with this card.

The Magician Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

2 – The High Priestess

Follow your inner knowing and trust your intuition. You may be drawn to psychic or spiritual work. This card can often represent finding a teacher or mentor to help you seek knowledge and move closer to your goals. Another meaning of this card can be the need for discretion, secrecy, and privacy. You may have a secret to protect.

The High Priestess Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

3 – The Empress

You are entering a productive and abundant timeline. Finances can improve and there is harmony in life. You may feel closely connected to those you care about. This card asks you to be inspired by what or who you love most.

The Empress Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

4 – The Emperor

This Tarot Card signifies a return to order and creating structure. You gain balance and set firm boundaries in relationships with other people. In both work and life, The Emperor represents powerful management and leadership.

The Emperor Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

5 – The Hierophant

This card has diverse meaning, including marriage, education or spiritual teaching. However, you can also interpret this card with themes of self-alignment and self-improvement. This could be through a relationship, work, or formal learning. On a personal level there is a sense of calm and togetherness.

The Hierophant Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

6 – The Lovers

The Lovers card can represent love and a new relationship, or a decision to be made. This applies to relationships in other areas of life, too, such as work or money. Think carefully about the future and your decisions, and don’t be impulsive.

The Lovers Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

7 – The Chariot

A time for action and to make progress in the next stage of your life. The Chariot can reveal great steps forward in your projects, job, relationships. It can signal travelling physically also. Be sure to summon your energy and determination for success.

The Chariot Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

8 – Justice

A decision in your favour - if it is right and fair. This card can also signify the outcome of legal matters or represent those that work in the legal profession. Truth prevails and your situation will improve as a result. Justice can also be asking you to find balance in your life, and encourages you to follow your own values and truths.

Justice Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

9 – The Hermit

Contemplation and reflection. In Tarot, The Hermit was once known as Father Time, shown with an hourglass in his lamp. Perhaps you need time for healing or to process recent events. This card can also indicate growth, study, learning, and an opportunity to gain some kind of new wisdom.

The Hermit Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

10 – The Wheel of Fortune

Luck improves and you’re likely to take one step closer to the success you’re hoping to manifest. If you have faced a challenge, or are stuck-in-a-rut, this card signifies you’ll be back in the flow of things and good opportunities will come to you with ease. An additional meaning of this card is psychic work.

The Wheel of Fortune Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

11 – Strength

The Strength card asks you to hold on to your truths and face whatever confronts you. You may feel tested at this time. But, by staying calm and being resilient, the situation will be manageable. It can relate to external events or inner, emotional conflict. An added meaning can be a return of passion for life and a sense of wellbeing.

Strength Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

12 – The Hanged Man

You might feel in limbo and are waiting for events or life to speed up, or for others to make a move. This card asks that you be patient and make the most of this time. An alternative meaning is considering a compromise to move forward. In a spiritual sense, The Hanged Man can show the benefits of meditation and spiritual awareness.

The Hanged Man Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

13 – Death

A situation is coming to an end and this may be out of your control. Death here represents transition and change that can bring new beginnings and opportunities. An additional meaning of the card is to declutter and let go of the things and people that are no longer serving you.

Death Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

14 – Temperance

There is a need for balance and harmony. You may have many demands on you, but the message here is that you can take control. You may need to budget or plan your time more efficiently. Another meaning is playing the role of peacekeeper or negotiator.

Temperance Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

15 – The Devil

The Devil reveals agreements or responsibilities that can oppress you or stop you in your tracks. This could relate to work, obsessions or even addictions, and can represent a situation, person or behaviour that restricts you or drains your energy. You do have a choice in this and can be free from the negative influences that are binding you.

Devil Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

16 – The Tower

Sudden change that is unexpected and can be chaotic. It’s a time to surrender, rather than fight, as an old situation, relationship or belief can no longer stand up. The good news is that you can recover and make something better now that you see the truth. A spiritual meaning of this Tarot Card is a personal breakthrough or enlightenment.

The Tower Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

17 – The Star

Inspiration, hope and healing. The Star card showcases that you’re protected and guided to find your creative or spiritual path. Creative projects are beginning to flow and often accompany healing and therapeutic work. It may be an emotional time where you feel connected, determined and focused on your goals – personal or otherwise.

The Star Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

18 – The Moon

A decision is to be made, but you do not yet see the full picture. You may have doubts about a relationship or situation that is currently unclear. Buried issues may need to surface, so this is a card of sensitivity and emotion. The Moon can also depict psychic ability, intuition, dreams, and the subconscious.

The Moon Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

19 – The Sun

Energy, happiness and warmth. You find success and time to focus on yourself. This could be an actual holiday in the sun or opportunities to recharge and concentrate on your passions. The Sun can also represent personal growth and feeling proud and worthy. An alternative meaning can be spending time with children and family.

The Sun Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

20 – Judgement

Assess your actions before moving into the next chapter in your life. You may decide to give a situation or relationship a second chance. This can see the past come back to you in the form of memories and it can be a good chance to heal emotionally. This card can also flag a spiritual awakening and can indicate mediumship.

Judgement Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

21 – The World

The successful completion of a life phase or project. You may receive a gift or reward as part of this, and new horizons and ideas beckon. This card can also represent physical travel, such as overseas. Look to the future, as your world will be happy.

The World Major Arcana Tarot Card design.

Visit our blog to also see all upright and reverse meanings of the Minor Arcana Tarot cards, alongside the reversed meanings of the Major Arcana cards.

Get started on your Tarot Card reading journey

Whether you’re new to Tarot or a novice, why not download and print our Tarot Card journal and guide to help you keep track of your readings, what you can learn from them, alongside how to use different Tarot Card spreads to benefit you and others?

Our Lunar Crystal Collective Tarot Card journal is a great way to keep track of your progress and readings, and can be printed again and again as you develop your Tarot skill over time.

It includes a decorative front page, daily Tarot draws, a spread reading sheet, a monthly Tarot reading tracker, single card spreads, daily Tarot card draws, a monthly Tarot Card spread, two card spreads, three card spreads, a love reading, an evening contemplation reading spread, a self-reflection spread, four card Tarot spread, five card spread, six card spread, a ‘get to know’ your Tarot Cards spread, what should I do spread, ten card spread, Celtic Cross Tarot card spread and extra note pages to write your feelings, thoughts and interpretations.

Get a Tarot reading from our Founder

You can also have an online Tarot Card reading by Dawn, Founder of Lunar Crystal Collective, who has more than a decade of experience.

Showcase your love for Tarot Cards

And, for all the Tarot lovers out there, we have lots of Tarot-themed goodies - perfect as gifts or for your home.

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